Thursday, February 19, 2009

Under the disheveled hair, there is a pair of bright and big eyes which is full of eagerness for chances to study. You may be not familar this picture, but almost every Chinese know this girl who is holding a pencil. This picture is the advertising map of the Hope Project, through which people seek resources from every aspect to help the children who are born in the countryside and lack opportunity to study.

This picture was taken in May, 1991. A journalist of China Youth Daily. He chose the right face of the girl, and took a close-up of the her. This let people read the expression of this face clearly and let people feel being in front of her, which made people think I was having so much relationship with this poor girl and I would help her. At the moment she just noticed the camera lens. It was the most ture moment. Those big eyes were communicating eagerness for books, classrooms and teachers, and the eyes showed the belief that knowledge would totally change their destiny and we would never life in such a poor, backward area and we got to change it. Further more, the photographer chose to developed this picture in black and write. I feel he used this method in the picture to reflect how poor she was and how urgently she needed help more profoundly. And that pencil was the signifier of knowledge and bright eyes were signifer of hope.

This picture moves many people. Now donating to the Hope Project is so common, and there are fewer and fewer children who cannot go to school.

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